The Tegger Foundation Post-Doctoral Scholorship
Below is a short version of the Tegger Foundations Scholorship
For further information in English, please contact Mr. John Tegger on +46 701 – 608 700 Weekdays 09:00-12:00
NOTE! Below information is refering to standard information. Swedish version includes more fullfilled information and important time and dates.
The Tegger Foundation hereby declare that scholarships are avaiable to apply.
The grants are intended as salary for postdoctoral research, primarily overseas and distributed to doctors / researchers at the Lund or Malmö University and / or Skåne University Hospital in Lund and Malmö. Scholarships are intended to be used during a 6 or 12 month coherent period of time.
A 6 month scholarship is normaly 250.000:- SEK
A 12 month scholarship is normaly 500.000:- SEK
Shorter scholarships dipends on project.
There is no taxes to be withdrawn from the scholarships, as to our knowledge.
Those who have previously received the scholarship have the opportunity to seek further extensions.
For grantee, receiving funding from other sources, The Tegger Foundation applly rules on reduction of assigned scholarship, which is reported in connection with the decisions on scholarship.
The grants are announced November, and will be available from 1 January the year after.
Scholarship recievers is assumed personally to receive the scholarship in November, and in connection therewith provide a short presentation of their research.
The application, which must be submitted in writing, and on special form, is to be sent to:
The Tegger Foundation
c/o Swedbank Foundation Service
The application shall be received no later than what is announced on the web-site.
For further information and application forms:
Teggerstiftelsen website:
For questions please Contact:
Professor Lars Edvindsson
Special conditions for applying the Tegger Foundating Scholarship: (*)
- All grants must fall within the framework of the ”Folksjukdommar ” People-decieses
- The recipient must be active at the university hospitals in Malmö and Lund.
• The scholar must be recently defended. Should not be older than 5 years.
• Applications may be submitted by non-doctorate candidates, however, evidence of planned ”dispuationsdatum” attached to the application, must be completed by December of the year in which the application is submitted.
• The recipient must be a Swedish citizen and / or obtain a residence permit in Sweden.
• The scholar must not be started / completed another post-doc period in another subject before.
• invitation from foreign research institutes to carry out postdoctoral shall be available.
• Evidence of continuing guaranteed place for research in Sweden will be presented.
• The grant will be used for at least a half year och a full year of postdoctoral funding and may not be used as supplementary financing. Whatever form the other type of financing is involved.
• The scholarship may be used, after trial, to finance a second postdoc years.
• - Special Conditions:
• In the event a grantee received funding for two postdoctoral years, the scholarship offered to reserve a scholarship.
• In the event that an existing of us funded postdoctoral fellows otherwise meet the above requirements, he may be subject to a second postdoctoral fellowship.
• In the event that the grantee receives a scholarship from another source, the Tegger Foundation must immediately be informed to take a stand regarding revoking the scholarship.
• In the event a grantee receives other compensation, such salary or other comparable remuneration in addition to the fellowship, a repayment obligation exists. -
The fellow must attend the prize-giving ceremony and dinner in mid-November .
* Translation above to English is only as to be seen as an information. The exact rules and regulations and wording is written i Swedish and presented on our website.